Treating Bipolar Disorder

Riding the highs and lows of life’s roller coaster is exhausting. I’m here to help you off. I am a trained in Interpersonal and Social Rhythm Therapy, a type of treatment that is specifically designed to treat the highs and lows of bipolar disorder.

Interpersonal and Social Rhythm Therapy

Here’s how it works

Your environment effects your mood and your mood effects your environment.

This is true for everyone, however it is critical to point out when treating bipolar disorder. People who struggle with bipolar disorder are especially sensitive to their environment. Their life style and relationships can trigger the onset of a depressive, manic or hypomanic episode.

Interpersonal and Social Rhythm Therapy (IPSRT) is a systematic approach to regulating your moods. IPSRT works to prevent and manage episodes by working to improve relationships thus reducing environmental triggers. IPSRT also works to prepare you for change and helps you regulate your circadian rhythm (sleep/wake cycles). With the use of our body’s natural rhythms and cycles, we can work to reduce the intensity of the highs and lows.

The IPSRT model works to build a fundamental understanding of what bipolar disorder is and gain insight into how this disorder is manifesting in your life. We will also work to manage stress, regulate emotions and build skills to reduce anxiety that is often associated with bipolar disorder.

IPSRT is designed with a 4 to 6 month treatment model. It’s time to take control over this disorder and stop letting it control you.


Bipolar Disorder is a chronic disorder that ebbs and flows throughout our lifetime. It’s ok to ask for help when you need it.